To date, there are many different diets based on the use of one product. They are called "mono-diet" and can be quite effective with the right approach.
From the material below, you can learn everything about the buckwheat diet, starting with the benefits and ending with the result.
What is the problem?
This diet is a simplified weight loss regimen for those who have difficulty sitting on difficult "hungry" days or buying expensive products. The essence of this method for weight loss is the use of a fairly inexpensive product with the ability to add vegetables or low-calorie dairy products (eg, kefir). Thanks to the large amount of vitamins, minerals and plant proteins, you can consume only one of these grains without feeling very hungry.
Let's continue to learn everything about the buckwheat diet.
The benefits of this diet

Such a diet has many advantages in addition to significant weight loss. Here are just a few:
- Thanks to the substances contained in the grain, the blood is cleansed and cholesterol levels are returned to normal.
- Thanks to the coarse fibers left after cooking, intestinal motility is activated. The result is an active cleansing of the body.
- Hunger attacks are less common than other mono-diet.
- Removes toxins and toxins from the body.
- Thanks to the obtained useful substances, the structure of nails and skin improves, hair growth is stimulated.
Of course, there are drawbacks to the buckwheat diet to lose weight. They are considered:
- long-term monotonous nutrition adversely affects the health of the pancreas;
- the appearance of a state close to apathy and general weakness;
- there is a decrease in pressure;
- headaches are more frequent;
- sugar withdrawal causes a temporary decrease in mental activity;
- if the regimen is carried out for more than 14 days, there is a rapid decrease in efficiency and the process of weight loss stops completely;
- also, excessive time limits lead to the indigestion of grain and its by-products in the future;
- various chronic diseases begin to worsen;
- If the output is wrong, the lost kilograms can return quickly with a slightly larger weight than before the weight loss.
When not to try the buckwheat diet
There are a number of contraindications to the use of this diet, which are either undesirable or completely contraindicated. Here is a list of them:
- presence of suspected or diagnosed diabetes mellitus;
- confirmed gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- problems with metabolism;
- gingivitis;
- stomatitis;
- oncology;
- liver or kidney failure;
- menopause;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- menstruation;
- Under 18 years of age;
- having a large physical load at work;
- upcoming competitions or exams.
Important recommendations

When applying a diet with buckwheat to lose weight, it is worth considering a few useful tips. The following is a list of them:
- Consult your doctor before starting the regimen. Make sure you have no critical contraindications.
- When following a buckwheat diet to lose weight, try to get as much sleep as possible. Remember that the disadvantages of the regime include headaches and weaknesses.
- During the diet, try to engage in light sports that do not require large energy expenditures.
- Try to drink enough water.
- Avoid any opportunity to reward yourself for successful weight loss on a buckwheat and water diet. Even a small piece of chocolate a day can nullify all the results obtained.
- Try to eat at the same time every day.
- Prepare your body before starting a diet. Start gradually reducing the amount of sugar and fat consumed three days before the start.
- Remember the right speech. A sharp return to the old diet will undoubtedly lead to weight gain. As a result, the effectiveness of the buckwheat diet will be reduced to zero (how to properly get out of the regime will be discussed later in the article).
- Stop drinking alcohol completely.
- If the feeling of hunger is very strong, you can eat a green apple, citrus fruits or drink yogurt between main meals.
Warnings and Tips
Your body's well-being may deteriorate as you give up salt almost completely and go on a smaller diet. As a result, various pains and a decrease in blood pressure are possible. It is necessary to observe such cases:
- lightly salt the food you eat;
- eat a teaspoon of honey every morning to prevent irritation;
- prefer sports, walking or running;
- consult your doctor about the necessary set of vitamins to take during the diet;
- Repeat the regimen no later than two months after leaving the diet.
Prohibited Products

Let's understand what you can not eat while following a diet of buckwheat porridge. The following is a list of those who should be completely excluded from the diet during the regimen:
- you cannot add butter or vegetable oil to the porridge;
- do not use salt and other flavorings (pepper and other spices);
- meat, smoked meat and sausages are also prohibited;
- Pendir;
- Canned food;
- fast food;
- floury and sweet.
Suitable Products
The list of those that can be consumed with the most effective buckwheat diet is very small. It consists of the following items:
- clean still water;
- kefir with a fat content not exceeding 1%;
- green apple;
- citrus;
- yogurt without sweeteners and various additives;
- green and herbal teas are also allowed.
Next, it is worth considering several options of buckwheat diet for the period.
Three-day schedule
This method of weight loss is available in two variants. The maximum possible weight loss can reach four kilograms. The assortments are as follows:
- Classic buckwheat diet. In this case, it is necessary to use grains infused with boiling water. The menu consists of five small portions of the main product, two apples, grapefruit (or any other citrus fruit), green salad and a glass of kefir. You need to drink it before going to bed. The last meal should be four hours before bedtime. According to experts, this diet is effective. Buckwheat diet is not very strict and balanced.
- Mode over green buckwheat or "raw food". In this version of the diet it is necessary to consume germinated grains. In the evening, before starting the diet, you need to prepare and drink a kefir cocktail with plums. The diet consists of pouring water on the grain, adding lemon juice and eating it like porridge.
If none of the options work for you, you can try cooking cereal. But keep in mind that the results on it will be lower.
Choice for five days
This method is for those who have difficulty serving for a week, but three days is not enough. During compliance, you can use a diet with buckwheat and kefir or apples (more on them in the material later). As a result of such a diet, you can achieve positive results without serious depletion of the body.
It should be noted that this diet is effective. Buckwheat diet helps to lose weight quickly.
Diet plan for the week
This choice can be tough. The use of boiled cereals is also allowed here. In addition, every day you need to drink a liter of kefir with a fat content of 1. 5% and a half liters of water or tea.
Any amount of grain is allowed (within reason). It is also recommended to divide into several portions during the day. If a strict seven-day buckwheat diet is too difficult for you, you can eat extra foods like chicken breast.
The maximum result that can be achieved in this way is to lose eight kilograms.
ten-day regime
In this case, the buckwheat diet menu consists mostly of steamed cereals and water with lemon juice. Thanks to the fat-burning properties of lemon, you can achieve excellent results. And as soon as possible.
The longest option
Calculated for two weeks. Such a diet of buckwheat and water is considered the most difficult to tolerate due to the monotony of the diet. This type of diet affects your well-being. On the other hand, a more economical option allows you to add other products to the menu.
For example, the menu of the week can be the following set:
- half a kilogram of grain filled with boiling water;
- citrus;
- kefir;
- light vegetable salad.
Depending on the species, you can shoot up to fourteen kilograms.
What to choose?
Then you need to choose the type of buckwheat diet that is effective, useful and will not cause much harm to health. There are the following types:
Attention! Some of the options have their own expiration date. So make the choice that suits your abilities and preferences!
- On the vegetables. It is necessary to follow this regimen for a week. The list of allowed products includes grain itself (steamed), raw, boiled or cooked vegetables, olive and flaxseed oils, kefir, green tea. The ban includes potatoes, corn, salt, spices and sugar.
- A variant of the buckwheat diet with chicken. This regimen is suitable for compliance within two weeks. Any amount of grain and two pieces of boiled chicken breast are allowed. In addition, one liter should drink 1, 5% kefir, the same amount of plain water.
- With apples. This option should be treated with caution. Too much fruit can cause problems in the body. The regime suggests alternating or combining apple and buckwheat days. Grains should not exceed half a kilogram. Apples (if they are large, up to a kilogram). The duration of this regime is two weeks.
- Milk porridge. This version of the buckwheat diet makes it easier to tolerate the regime and does not suffer from calcium and protein deficiency. You can combine both products or use them separately. For example, milk can be drunk between main meals. The duration of the regime is 2 weeks.
- On the water. The most dangerous option, which is intended to be used as a day of fasting. Need to evaporate a glass of cereal and eat it by drinking two liters of water during the day.
- Kefir. This weekly version of the buckwheat diet helps you lose up to five kilograms. You should use one cup of steamed cereal and one and a half liters of one percent kefir per day.
- Curd. In this case, in addition to steamed porridge, 300 grams of cottage cheese is allowed. It is necessary to follow the regimen for no more than a week. For up to 2 liters of clean water every day without gas or green tea during this period.
- On the egg. Buckwheat is a fairly convenient choice for those who can not stand the diet. In addition to 500 g of steamed grains, one egg is allowed for each meal.
- Buckwheat is a mild choice, also known as a very dietary. In addition to porridge, it is allowed to eat fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, eggs, lean fish and meat every day.
How to get out of the diet?

This is the most important point in the whole weight loss procedure using the buckwheat diet. Here it is necessary to gradually return to the previous diet, trying to maintain control and new habits. Otherwise, you run the risk of gaining more weight than you lost during all this time. You must exit according to the following criteria:
- in no case do not rush to eat and do not overeat (this is the most difficult thing after the diet);
- try not to eat four hours before bedtime;
- Do not eat flour, fat or sweet for two weeks after stopping the diet and observing the output.
Attention! Adding new foods to your diet should be gradual. In the event of a sharp increase in calories after their deficiency, the body will begin to store fat reserves intensively.
How to save results?
In order not to lose weight, it is necessary to follow a high-quality diet, along with proper performance. It looks like this:
- in the first two days it is worth starting to gradually consume fresh vegetables without starch;
- after that you can start eating eggs;
- on the fifth and sixth days it is allowed to eat lean meat, poultry, mushrooms and fish;
- eat salads with vegetable oils and starchy vegetables for the other two days;
- it is worthwhile to gradually include liquid dairy products, and then solid ones in the diet;
- then you can continue to use grain, flour and pasta from durum wheat and rye bread for free;
- After two weeks, it is allowed to add berries, honey, nuts and fruits to the diet.
What should the menu be?
Options for the three main schedules will then be considered: 3, 7 and 10 days. Each of the options will be described in the form of subsections.
What a three-day diet looks like:
- Breakfast for the first day consists of 150 grams of buckwheat and black tea with lemon. 200 grams of buckwheat and lemon water for dinner. 2 grapefruits and green tea as a snack. Dinner - 130 grams of buckwheat, 100 grams of green salad and a glass of lemon water.
- On the morning of the second day you need to eat 130 grams of cereals, half a grapefruit and black coffee. 100 grams of buckwheat for lunch and the same amount of green salad and green tea as a drink. Snack: 100 grams of cereal and a glass of water with lemon. 150 grams of buckwheat with green tea for dinner.
- The third day begins with 100 grams of cereal and the same amount of salad. Everything is washed with lemon water. A glass of water with buckwheat, grapefruit and lemon and honey for dinner. In the afternoon you can drink black tea with lemon and honey, add half a grapefruit. 140 grams of cereal for dinner, 50 grams of salad and green tea with lemon.
What does a buckwheat diet menu look like for a week:
- On the first day, 100 grams of grain is evaporated. The finished porridge is washed with a glass of kefir. For dinner, you can make lean, steamed buckwheat cutlets. Repeat the breakfast menu for lunch.
- Start the next day with buckwheat and a glass of kefir. For dinner, 100 grams of buckwheat is steamed with the addition of dried fruit. For dinner, pour boiling water over 100 grams of cereal and cover it all with kefir.
- Start the third day with 100 grams of grains and dried fruits. The same amount of buckwheat and vegetable salad for dinner. 100 grams of buckwheat with a glass of kefir for dinner.
- On the fourth day, it is worth eating two buckwheat breads and a few pancakes from the same grain. 100 grams of steamed cereal and an apple for dinner. Repeat the day option for lunch.
- On the morning of the fifth day, cook 100 grams of cereal and kefir. Make a salad of 100 grams of white cabbage with buckwheat cutlets for dinner. A glass of kefir with oranges for dinner.
- On the sixth day, steam 100 grams of cereal for breakfast and half a glass of kefir. Low-fat buckwheat cutlets for dinner, steamed. 100 grams of cereal and kefir for dinner.
- Start the last day with buckwheat and a glass of kefir. The same amount of buckwheat for dinner, but with dried fruit. Kefir for dinner.

Choice for 14 days (the volume of buckwheat in any record is 100 grams):

- Breakfast: buckwheat, a cup of unsweetened coffee. Lunch: the same amount of cereal and vegetable salad, plus tea. Dinner: cereal, apples, a glass of yogurt 1, 5% fat.
- First course: standard amount of boiled buckwheat, sugar-free coffee. Second: buckwheat, 100 grams of chicken fillet, cook black tea. Third: cereal, grapefruit and a glass of kefir.
- Breakfast: sprouted buckwheat, coffee without additives and sweeteners. Dinner: the same amount of cereals, 100 salads and green tea. Dinner: sprouted buckwheat, grapefruit and a glass of kefir.
- First course: buckwheat with milk, coffee without sugar. Second: grains in milk, chicken fillets and tea. Third: buckwheat in milk, grapefruit and a glass of kefir.
- Breakfast: steamed cereals, sugar-free coffee. Dinner: standard amount of buckwheat with vegetable salad in the same amount as tea. Dinner: cereals, apples, kefir.
- Breakfast: buckwheat, coffee. Midday: 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet with cereals, green tea. Dinner: buckwheat, grapefruit, a glass of kefir.
- Breakfast: sprouted cereals, sugar-free coffee. Dinner: sprouted cereals, vegetable salad with green tea. Dinner: sprouted buckwheat, oranges, a glass of kefir.
- The remaining 7 days repeat the first week.